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Wednesday, December 13, 2017
osc-setcoremem: Simulation on SuperCluster Nodes

Running the osc-setcoremem simulator on live SuperCluster nodes is very similar to running it on Non-SuperCluster nodes with the exception of setting a shell variable SSC_SCM_SIMULATE to differentiate simulated actions from normal processing. Any SuperCluster configuration can be simulated on a live SuperCluster node including its own configuration.

Please check the first two blog posts in this series too for some information related to osc-setcoremem simulator.

Reproducing all high-level steps below for the sake of completeness (highlighted new text in blue color for convenience).

  1. Copy osc-setcoremem v2.4 or later executable binary from any live SuperCluster environment onto the target SuperCluster SPARC system running Solaris 11.3 or later

  2. Generate base configuration file in the original live SuperCluster environment that you wish to simulate elsewhere

    # /opt/oracle.supercluster/bin/osc-setcoremem -g
     [OK] simulator config file generated
     location: /var/tmp/oscsetcorememcfg.txt

       For the argument list, check "SIMULATOR ARGUMENTS" section in the output of "osc-setcoremem -h|-help"

  3. If you do not have access to the live SuperCluster environment that you wish to simulate, generate base configuration file template and edit it manually to populate base configuration of the SuperCluster environment to be simulated. Base configuration file template can be generated on any SPARC node running Solaris 11.3. And this step does not require root privileges.


    To generate a base configuration containing 4 domains, run:

    % ./osc-setcoremem -g -dc 4
     [OK] simulator config file generated
     location: /var/tmp/oscsetcorememcfg.txt
    % cat /var/tmp/oscsetcorememcfg.txt
    #DOMAIN                          ROOT             SERVICE          SOCKET           CORE             MEMORY           HCA
    # NAME                           DOMAIN           DOMAIN           COUNT            COUNT              GB             COUNT
    primary                          YES|NO           YES|NO           <COUNT>          <COUNT>          <CAPACITY>        1|2
    ssccn-dom1                       YES|NO           YES|NO           <COUNT>          <COUNT>          <CAPACITY>        1|2
    ssccn-dom2                       YES|NO           YES|NO           <COUNT>          <COUNT>          <CAPACITY>        1|2
    ssccn-dom3                       YES|NO           YES|NO           <COUNT>          <COUNT>          <CAPACITY>        1|2

       Check the Guidelines page for the manual editing of base configuration file

  4. Kick off simulation with the help of the base configuration file populated in either of the last two steps. osc-setcoremem's non-interactive mode can be activated too by supplying non-interactive arguments.

    Syntax: osc-setcoremem -p <platform> -c <config_file_path> [<non-interactive_arguments>]

    It is not necessary to set the shell variable SSC_SCM_SIMULATE when starting a new simulation from scratch with the help of a base configuration file. The presence of simulator specific options such as -p and -c eliminate the need for any hints about the simulation on a live SuperCluster system.

    % ./osc-setcoremem -p m8 -c ./oscsetcorememcfg.txt -type core -res 16/480:16/480:16/480
                     osc-setcoremem simulator (non-interactive)
                        v2.5  built on Oct 13 2017 11:33:52
     Current Configuration: SuperCluster M8
     +----------------------------------+-------+--------+-----------+--- MINIMUM ----+
     | DOMAIN                           | CORES | MEM GB |   TYPE    | CORES | MEM GB |
     | primary                          |    32 |    960 | Dedicated |     2 |     32 |
     | ssccn1-dom1                      |    32 |    960 | Dedicated |     2 |     32 |
     | ssccn1-dom2                      |    32 |    960 | Dedicated |     2 |     32 |
     | ssccn1-dom3                      |     2 |     32 |   Root    |     2 |     32 |
     | Parked Resources (Approx)        |    30 |    928 |    --     |    -- |   --   |
     [ INFO ] following domains will be ignored in this session.
     Root Domains
     CPU Granularity Preference:
            1. Socket
            2. Core
     In case of Socket granularity, proportional memory capacity is
      automatically selected for you.
     Choose Socket or Core [S or C] C
     The following domains would have rebooted on a live system:
     Continue the simulation with updated configuration
             eg., SSC_SCM_SIMULATE=1 /osc-setcoremem [<option(s)>]
                     - OR -
     Start with an existing or brand new base configuration
             eg., /osc-setcoremem  -p [T4|T5|M6|M7|M8] -c <path_to_config_file>
  5. By this time osc-setcoremem simulator would have saved the changes made to the base configuration in previous step. You can verify by running osc-setcoremem executable with no options or using "-list" option.

    Ensure to set the shell variable SSC_SCM_SIMULATE to any value before running osc-setcoremem executable. Without this variable, osc-setcoremem shows the configuration of the underlying SuperCluster that it is running on.


    Changes highlighted below.

    % SSC_SCM_SIMULATE=1 ./osc-setcoremem
                             osc-setcoremem simulator
                        v2.5  built on Oct 13 2017 11:33:52
     Current Configuration: SuperCluster M8
     +----------------------------------+-------+--------+-----------+--- MINIMUM ----+
     | DOMAIN                           | CORES | MEM GB |   TYPE    | CORES | MEM GB |
     | primary                          |    16 |    480 | Dedicated |     2 |     32 |
     | ssccn1-dom1                      |    16 |    480 | Dedicated |     2 |     32 |
     | ssccn1-dom2                      |    16 |    480 | Dedicated |     2 |     32 |
     | ssccn1-dom3                      |     2 |     32 |   Root    |     2 |     32 |
     | Parked Resources (Approx)        |    78 |   2368 |    --     |    -- |   --   |
     [ INFO ] following domains will be ignored in this session.
     Root Domains
  6. Two options to choose from at this point:

    1. Continue simulation using the updated configuration.

        Simply running osc-setcoremem executable in the presence of SSC_SCM_SIMULATE shell variable without any arguments or with optional non-interactive arguments shall continue the simulation. This will let you simulate the move from one arbitrary configuration state (cores & memory assigned to different domains) to another.

      Syntax: SSC_SCM_SIMULATE=1 osc-setcoremem [<non-interactive_arguments>]


    2. Start a brand new simulation using any base configuration file

        This is nothing but step #4 above. Here we assume that the required base configuration file was populated and ready. Be aware that this step wipes the current modified core, memory [virtual] configuration clean and starts again with a base configuration that was specified in the configuration file input to "-c" option

  7. Repeat steps 2-6 to simulate different SuperCluster configurations

   A complete example can be found in Oracle SuperCluster M7/M8 Administration Guide at Run a Simulation on a SuperCluster Node


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